Dog Grooming
Dog Grooming Services
We don’t like to feel unclean and neither do our pets! Despite that ‘dirty dog’ image we can easily bring to mind of a filthy and happy canine, the truth is that just like us, our dogs prefer to be clean. But keeping them that way can be a challenge for any pet owner. We don’t always have the time, or the knowledge and tools to do it ourselves so why not leave it in the hands of the professionals at New Approach instead?

How we take the unpredictability out of pet grooming
Our canines are independent creatures and if they don’t want that shampooing or nail trim, or even if they do (and get a little overexcited) suddenly instead of an in home spa day for your pet, you have a soapy rodeo going on! This can put you and your pet at risk of accidents and even damage your home if your pet escapes your well meaning intentions. Our award winning, highly experienced groomer Krystal is ready to help your dog look and feel amazing – without you having the risk at home of having an unwanted bath alongside them! We have the right tools and the knowledge to help your dog and you have a stress free event that many dogs enjoy.
Why grooming is about more than just ‘looking good’
Our canines are independent creatures and if they don’t want that shampooing or nail trim, or even if they do (and get a little overexcited) suddenly instead of an in home spa day for your pet, you have a soapy rodeo going on! This can put you and your pet at risk of accidents and even damage your home if your pet escapes your well meaning intentions. Our award winning, highly experienced groomer Krystal is ready to help your dog look and feel amazing – without you having the risk at home of having an unwanted bath alongside them! We have the right tools and the knowledge to help your dog and you have a stress free event that many dogs enjoy.
Help get right of that ‘wet dog’ smell on your pet and in your home!
We love our canine companions but even the most loving of pet owners have likely pushed their dog away at one point because their smell is a little, well, doggy! This odor can easily transfer itself to carpets and bedding, making your home smell like that dreaded wet dog scent. A great way to help reduce this is regular, professional grooming. A well groomed dog is likely to shed less, making it easier for your to keep your home clean and hygienic and reduce the time you spend vacuuming up that pesky loose hair! Help save yourself time, money and stress and choose from our amazing grooming package options below or contact us for more information!
Every dog deserves a day at the spa! At New Approach, we offer complete grooming services. Our groomer brings many years of experience, and that experience brings a whole new level of care to your dog when they are in for grooming. These benefits include recognizing ear infections, skin issues, suspicious lumps and bumps, and dental issues. A good groomer can be an important liaison between you and your veterinarian.
Call for an appointment for any of these fine services:
Small Dogs
Bath and Brushout. Starts at:-
Full Pawdicure
Hydro Massage
10-15 Minutes of brushing
Small Dogs
Full Grooming. Starts at:-
All Bath and Brush-out Features
All over cut and style
Medium Dogs
Bath and Brushout. Starts at:-
Full Pawdicure
Hydro Massage
10-15 Minutes of brushing
Medium Dogs
Full Grooming. Starts at:-
All Bath and Brush-out Features
All over cut and style
Large Dogs
Bath and Brushout. Starts at:-
Full Pawdicure
Hydro Massage
10-15 Minutes of brushing
Large Dogs
Full Grooming. Starts at:-
All Bath and Brush-out Features
All over cut and style
Giant Breed
Full Grooming. Starts at:-
All Bath and Brush-out Features
All over cut and style
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Dog Grooming
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