Dog Boarding
Vacations aren’t just for humans! If you are planning a trip away you are probably excited, but what about your furry best friend? They can’t always travel with us and having to leave behind someone who is one of the family can turn vacations into guilt trips. The good news is now you can say ‘bone-voyage’ to this worry with New Approaches fully licensed and insured Dog Boarding Hotel. Our dedicated team and specialised ‘stay-cation’ boarding means you can relax and unwind knowing your beloved pet is in the best of hands – even if you couldn’t take them on that scuba diving trip with you.
Vacations might be seasonal but our Dog Boarding isn’t!
Whether you are planning a beach trip or to get in some skiing at last, we offer year-round boarding for your Dog. This might sound like a small thing but once you find that perfect vacation slot for yourself that works out perfectly with your job and personal planning the last thing you need to find out is that the place you planned to board your dog at is closed for the season! At New Approach we are here for you all year, every year – giving you a safe and secure place to board your pet, so now all you have to worry about is packing.
All dogs welcome at New Approaches Dog Boarding
Not only do we offer year round boarding, we also welcome all breeds and sizes to our facility. With many people owning more than one dog of different types, having them separated for your vacation because some places only accept certain types can lead to additional stress and unhappiness in your pets. Or you might find a boarding place that accepts your size dog…that would take one of your vacation days to travel to! At New Approach we welcome all vacationers, freeing you from the frustrations of booking your hotel and trying to find a place for your dogs at the same time.
Is it your dogs first time away from home? We are here to help!
As humans we know that being away from home can be stressful, even in the best of environments. The schedule is different, we don’t have all of our things, the smells just aren’t the same. It’s the same for our dogs, but they don’t have our understanding of why they have been brought somewhere – and that sounds scary!
To reduce stress in our canine friends we highly recommend you bring your dog for a half day or a full day or even simply start with a one night sleepover before you go away for a longer time. You probably wouldn’t book a vacation for weeks without checking the place out, so give your dog a chance to do the same and help reduce their homesickness with this short term experience.
Boarding Area Features:
- Individual pens sized according to Bylaws set by City of Cambridge
- Outside play area
- Quality air exchange, filtration and Ultra Violet light sanitization
- Clean and fresh water
- Karanda bed, Kongs and toys
Boarding Services Features:
- Pups will be fed twice daily unless otherwise requested. Food must be provided by owner to avoid stomach issues and insure familiarity.
- Lots of cuddles
- Administration of medication (if required)

Health and Security:
- 24-hour monitored electronic security for fire, smoke, low temperature, high temperature, burglary, motion, Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide and propane emmissions
- All Guest rooms will be cleaned daily
- Pet First Aid trained staff
- Gentle slop in floor ensures proper drainage for the best heath and hygiene for our guests
- Emergency veterinary services. Any dog requiring medical attention will be taken to the Veterinarian. Charges will be at the owner’s expense. Every effort will be taken to contact pet owner or emergency contact prior to treatment.
Information for Parents
Inform our staff if your dog has any special needs, such as medication, allergies or health problems. Do not feed your dog at least 4 hours prior transportation, to minimize upset stomach.
We reserve the right to deny admittance to pets that lack proof of vaccinations, pets displaying signs of untreated or potentially contagious health conditions and/or aggressive behaviour. We reserve the right to charge handling fees for excessively difficult or aggressive pets, requiring additional staff and/ or additional time in order that we may deliver the proper care.
Upon admission for services, your signature of contract acknowledges your awareness and acceptance of our policies. Minimum age for all services is 3 months, with minimum first sets of vaccinations and the Bordetella vaccine.
We don’t need a passport for your dog to stay - but here’s what we do need!:
To help make sure everyone has the best stay they can and don’t bring anything unwanted home with them we need the following:
All vaccinations have to be up to date and current including Bordetella (kennel cough). All vaccinations records must be provided from a licensed vet.
This is part of our commitment to a safe, clean and up to code boarding experience that we stand by to ensure all dogs are safe and well cared for.

One Dog Per Night
over night-
Feeding twice daily
Comfy kuranda bed
Best ppl (professional puppy lovers)
Pampered Pup Package
Ultimate Staycation-
Over Night Boarding
All day daycare
Last day Bath, Brush and blow out.
2 Dogs per night
Shared accommodations-
Feeding twice daily
Comfy kuranda beds
Best ppl (professional puppy lovers)